Friday, April 15, 2011

We're going to Africa.

Joel (me) and Jennifer are going to Tanzania for 3.5 months. We will be living in Dar Es Salaam. We really don't know what to expect other than sweating a lot and hopefully being able to spend some good quality time with some lions and elephants. We are leaving on April 25 and coming home at the beginning of August.

These are job descriptions of the work we will be doing there:

Jennifer is volunteering at a school, the Haven of Peace Academy (HOPAC)
Haven of Peace Academy (HOPAC) is a Christian
school for students aged 5 to 18+. HOPAC is a fully functioning
primary and secondary school.
The academy facilitates learning and growth in the
areas of leadership, service, and stewardship.
HOPAC is involved in many community service projects in Dar. Interns who are placed
here will work with HOPAC staff and students on numerous
community development projects. Interns will also have
the role as educator in an orphanage. Interns will have
the opportunity to do facilitate student community
outreach and graduate research projects as well.

I will be volunteering with the university there, Ardhi University, and their Institute of Human Settlements.
The Institute of Human Settlements Studies (IHSS) aims to
contribute to the improvement of living conditions and the quality
of life of the residents of all people throughout Tanzania. The
IHSS carries out research, consultancy services, training,
education, and dissemination of information on the topic of human
settlements and development issues. The IHSS currently works
with community organization in legalizing formal settlements, land
ownerships, and upgrading settlements so that they are healthy
and safe places to live.
The intern who is placed with IHSS would assist in shelter and
settlement upgrading projects and urban farming projects. For
this placement, the intern is required to have a strong working
knowledge of issues related to poverty and inequality, excellent
cross-cultural communication skills and an interest in human


  1. Oh, hey Joel and Jennifer. Have a great trip! I know it will be amazing, but I'll miss you very much. TO get myself through the tough times when I miss you maybe I'll have to have a BC lager. Anyway, give the elephants my regards.


  2. Expecting to see the lion sleeping with the lamb in your photos.........
    Off to a great start, can't wait to see the pictures....

    Mike and Gerda

  3. Jenn
    Loved your story, although Joel's story on the Kili beer at 0700hrs was a close second.
    Love to see some pictures but don't get arrested over them.
    See if there's something for me over there as a liaison to whatever....
    Great adventure and Kingdom work all in one.
    Take care
    love Dad

  4. Jenn and Joel:
    Okay I'm in.......... well not really but
    if you're next adventure is in Spain.... then
    we're there.
    love dad and mom
